Apocalypse Now : Opening Scene



- The film begins audibly with the psychedelic pounding of helicopters passing from the right audio channel to the left, proceeding this the song "The End" by The Doors begins playing whilst being shown an establishing shot of a Vietnamese jungle, as the war helicopters pass by it.

- As the song begins, the artist declares "This is the end, beautiful friend" as we see the forest getting bombed.

- The song "The End" could also be a symbol of the main characters (Captain Willard) altering mental state.

- The camera pans across the fire torn and smoky field of the forest war scene as it simultaneously dissolves together with the close-up shot of Captain Willard.

- We are presented with many shots dissolving together over the close up of the Captain.

- The ceiling fan of his room mirrors the blades of the helicopter, symbolising Willard's trauma and/or PTSD which may continuously torment him

- The lighting and editing of this scene convey a sense of duality as we get a glimpse of half of Willard's face in the shadow as the other shots are placed over him as well as the shots of the jungle silhouetted by the glow of the fires. This represents what is going through his head, putting the audience into real-time of his thoughts. 

- He is shown upside down, portraying how Willard sees the world in a distorted manner.

- Willard lives with no sense of time and space, further depicts his post-traumatic stress disorder.

- The hotel room is almost completely empty, showing his dissociation with himself and how he lost himself. 

  • This opening scene is the beginning of the characterisation of the protagonist and also one of the major themes of the film; The dehumanising effects of war.


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