The Western Genre: Conventions



  • Cowboys
  • Bad guys like criminals, outlaws, or bandits
  • Sheriffs
  • Native Americans
  • Set in the American west
  • Usually set in the 1850s towards the end of the 19th century
  • Railways
  • Adventure
  • Gunslinging 
  • Lawmen
  • Desperadoes
  • Duels & Shootouts
  • The lawlessness of the region and era
  • Revenge
  • Saloons
  • Ranches
  • Western settlers or pioneers
  • Descriptions of wilderness and vast landscapes
  • Immense plains, tablelands and mountain ridges 
  • Horsemanship
  • Dilemmas 
  • Moral dramas 
  • Physical courage 
  • Bar fights
  • Leather boots
  • Stetson hat
  • Card games


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